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Shall we organise a party?

Pay&Share keeps everybody happy

 People who love parties are well aware that, despite appearances, organising parties is anything but simple. Starting from deciding who should be invited to selecting the music and location, every choice is crucial for a successful event.  
When the party is organised by a group of friends, things become even more complicated… often people just cannot agree.
This is why it is so important to make organising as simple as possible, especially when managing the expenses budget… a party ruined by organisers quarrelling is out of the question! 

So to avoid very unpleasant discussions, here is a good piece of advice – use Pay&Share ! From the very first time there is a party-related expense you must clearly track who paid -the Pay&Share app can be used to record every expense and who paid, informing every other group member immediately. In this way there will not be one person responsible for the shared kitty and expenses, because everybody will be told about the total expenses! 

Pay&Share keeps everybody happy

At this point the event organisers need only divide out what needs to be done, such as doing the shopping or booking a catering service, choosing the music, sending invitations… 
Through Pay&Share you can enter all expenses as payment is made, informing everybody immediately about what has been bought and who it was paid by… in this way you will be able to keep an eye on how much is being spent and will avoid exceeding the party's budget. 

Sometimes, not all invited guests are the same: some can be considered guests as far as paying goes as well and will not be asked to contribute. Others may be considered “companions” and pay less. No worries! P&S can deal with it all. Just add an expenses coefficient to the Person’s details and he or she will pay according to the assigned “weight” (half, a quarter, etc).  
At the end, a detailed and accurate report can be sent to all the organisers with the final calculations of "who must pay whom".
So if you want to throw a party do not be daunted by the problem of dividing costs: 
Pay&Share will calculate everything for you, managing an unlimited number of event organisers, which means that you are left with the fun part!
